Herby Leek and Pancetta Pizza
Beauty comes from within. Hearing this all our lives, we believe the expression to mean beauty is in our hearts and in our souls. Which, of course, is true. But if there’s another lesson in this statement, it is that beauty literally comes from within… because we are what we eat.

Herby Leek and Pancetta Pizza
*Makes 4 small pizzasPizza Sauce
•1 tablespoon olive oil•1 medium onion, finely chopped
•1 garlic clove, finely chopped
•2 14 1/2 ounce cans of chopped cherry tomatoes
•1 teaspoon dried oregano
•1 teaspoon dried basil
•1 teaspoon honey
•fine sea salt and black pepper
Pizza Dough
•2 1/2 cups warm water•3 1/4 ounce packet of dried quick-rise yeast
•2 tablespoon honey
•8 cups strong bread flour, plus extra for dusting
•1 tablespoon fine sea salt, leveled
•1 leek, sliced into short lengths•olive oil, for drizzling
•3 1/2 ounces buffalo mozzarella, cut into pieces
•2 1/2 ounces sliced unsmoked pancetta, torn into pieces
•leaves from 1 sprig of rosemary 1. To make the sauce, heat the oil in a large high-sided skillet. Add the onion and the garlic and fry over medium heat for 5 minutes or until soft. Add the tomatoes and simmer over a low heat for 40 minutes or until thickened.
2. Add the dried herbs and honey. Season to taste with salt and pepper before setting aside.
3. While the sauce is cooking, make the dough. Pour half the warm water into a bowl and add the yeast and honey, leaving it for 3 minutes till dissolved.
4. Place the flour and the salt in a large bowl and create a well in the middle. Pour the yeast mixture into the well.
5. Start to bring the flour in from outside the well. Continue doing this until the center of the mixture is porridge-like in consistency, then add the remaining water. Mix again, continuing to bring in flour from the edge of the bowl until fully incorporated.
6. On a work surface lightly dusted in flour, start to knead the dough by pushing and folding it on itself. Roll it around, over and over, for 4-5 minutes or until the dough is smooth and elastic in consistency.
7. Place the dough in a large clean bowl, sprinkle over a little flour, then cover in plastic wrap and allow it to rise for 30 minutes. It should double in size.
8. Shortly before the dough has finished rising, preheat the oven to 475°F and lightly dust 2-4 baking sheets with flour.
9. Place the leek in a small pan of boiling water and blanch for 3 minutes. Drain well and slice into 1/4” pieces. Set aside.
10. When the dough has finished rising, knock the air out for 30 seconds by squashing it on a flour-dusted work surface. Divide into four balls, then roll out on into disks about 1 inch thick and 8 inches in diameter.
11. Transfer the pizza bases to the prepared baking sheets. Spread each pizza base with tomato sauce and drizzle a little olive oil over the edges.
12. Divide the mozzarella, pancetta, and leaks between the pizzas. Scatter a few rosemary leaves on top.
13. Bake in the oven—in two batches, if necessary—for 8-10 minutes.
We couldn’t find chopped cherry tomatoes in Jackson. If you run into the same issue substitute them for a 28 ounce can of San Marzano crushed tomatoes.
We also found that 30 minutes wasn’t quite enough to allow the dough to properly rise so we replaced the regular yeast with rapid-rise yeast.
Don’t overload your pizzas with sauce (even if you have extra). You don’t want the dough to become soggy.
Rub the dried herbs with your fingertips as you add them to the sauce. This helps to release their naturals, adding more flavor.